Cameron School of Business, Economics Instructor
University of North Carolina, Wilmington
Annual War Location Frequency 1900-2014:
Based on Original Data Created for War and Institutional Research
My current research focuses on how violent conflict impacts institutions such as civil liberties, democracy, size of government, and trade. I am also investigating state and local policy issues, fractionalization and income inequality, resource discovery's impact on constitutional structures, trends in economic publications since 1950, and differences between seated and online instruction. Please contact me if you are interested in any of my research!
“Comment on Crime and Punishment under Evidentiary Uncertainty: Laboratory Evidence”, In Press. 2019. Supreme Court Economic Review.
Under Review
“Impact of Migration on Democratization by Skill Level and Gender”, with Dambar P. Uprety. Submitted November 2019.
“Resource Endowments and Formal Institutions: Evidence from U.S. State Constitutional Structures”, with Joab N. Corey, Hugo M. Montesinos-Yufa, and Russell S. Sobel. Submitted November 2019.
“The Era of Economic Evidence”, with Hugo M. Montesinos-Yufa. Submitted November 2019.
Working Papers
“Violent Conflict and Civil Liberty Degradation”, with Murat C. Mungan
“Is Blood the Price of Freedom? Testing the Democratic Bargain Hypothesis”
Works in Progress
“Fractionalization and Income Inequality: Evidence from Panama”, with Aldair Flores-Espinosa
“The Foreclosure Zone: Minimum Lot-Size Requirements and Foreclosure Rates”, with Zane Dash
“Do Online Courses Provide the Same Learning Outcomes as Seated Sections?: Evidence from the Common Sense Economics Curriculum”
“Digging up Institutions: How Property Rights Protections and Cultural Heritage Laws Impact Archaeological Discoveries”